Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blogs vs Wikis

 New Media contains a lot of different ways to communicate and also share ideas though the Word. Today, we have blogs and wikis which became very famous and have new ingredients. It develops and allows anyone to have a blog or a wiki account. It is totally free and any person, rich or poor can create a blog or wiki only by creating an account. Though wiki and blogs , people can post their ideas, pictures, articles , stories, and edit their opinions and ideas. Today, most of the people belongs at least one of it ( a wiki or a blog).

First of all, I am going to explore the need and the convenience of the wikis. After reading the article[ Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on making the most of company wikis] written by Gardiner Morse who explained the utility of the wikis. This article explain and show how a wiki can be useful for corporates and individuals as well.As we can tell that wiki is helpful for colleagues to have an approach about their current product and have a source of information. Wikis allow more team collaboration, where everyone can say their opinion or alert what they think about a certain interest or idea. For example, colleagues can share ideas, and opinions on some eonomic, business, sports and debate on it through the wikis. Wikis are open to everybody, flexible as people can edit photos, videos, articles and it is also a rapid collaboration. Therefore, people consume time by meetings, or taking breaks. As the article in the New York times says:"wikis are great tools for helping people to come to consensus quickly, whether about what to put on a meeting agenda or how best to meet customers’ needs." However, anyone can contribute to the wiki and this can be an issue as well. For example, if someone put some false information or make some mistake, any person can edit and change the person idea. Therefore, The idea by leaving the freedom to people to correct or edit an information can influence a bad behavior. And I sincerely think that any post or wiki must be controlled by some "Manager" who can supervise the wikis posts.

Concerning the blogs, which is very popular in the Internet word. The New Media have been very successful and a lot of people like the idea to edit their personal blog and communicate with people over the world. After reading the article of Katy E.Gills"How Can We Measure the Influence of the Blogosphere?"which talks about how blogs offer a more personal voice in  which "bloggers write the topics that matter to them".One of the convenient of the blog , the only person who has the power to edit or do any changes is The BLOGGER. The blogger is the person who created and post his personal idea , pictures or other.The information about the specific interest/ idea  is chosen by the Blogger and his goal is to share his idea though the Internet and he is waiting for different opinions, and communicate with other people. The readers or followers of the blog can only post comment and are limited to change or edit any of the Blogger's taste or interests. But despite this restriction, they are still a way to voice information as Michael Wilson's article "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid"in which a community was able to describe what they witnessed in a Brooklyn house on the owner blog which resulted of arresting drug dealers.Also, though blogs you have interesting links , articles, documents and pictures. Blogs also allow readers to post comments , allowing colleagues, or or the public to weigh in on what you are writing, sharing a new point of view.

 Though the creation of blogs and wikis allows people to have an easy access to share , communicate and manage tasks. I think it helps us to know how people from other countries think and how they see the life. Blogs, and wikis  are useful tools that bring people together with people with different voice and ideas. As wikis , people can use for education , by learning a lot in different interest and hobbies.

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