Thursday, October 25, 2012

Creativity and New Media( Reading)

After doing the reading , I have a better understanding of the relationship between  Creativity and New Media.  Since New Media have a big impact for people since the last decade, it gets better and better constantly. Physicians and experts encourage people by innovating and installing new programs. Today , anyone can create their own music, videos,games, small programming and others. Through internet by using you tube, online versions, online programming and websites , people can create media. After reading the article of the New Yorker"The New Math of Mashups " , it says that mashups that help people to create their own music and enable to remix or add new tons and put loops of different songs.As Mark Vidler  states that through the digital technology , it make is easier to spread your own creation, or innovation through Internet as he says“You don’t need a distributor, because your distribution is the Internet. You don’t need a record label, because it’s your bedroom, and you don’t need a recording studio, because that’s your computer. You do it all yourself.”.
Finally, you can create you own media by using the New media. The individual is free by using any New media to be imaginative and creative to his own interests. 

New Media and Creativity

In this past 10 years, Technology enable and encourage people to use more than 3 times a day , a new media tool.The New Media allows people to get information and allow people to have different ways to communicate. Such as Socials Networks, websites,downloading movies and musics and have a quicker and reachable information. Besides the New Media machines and innovation , people can also create things with no limit as music, videos, Mash ups and other. Though the New Media, the computer let me to do a snapshots of an avatar who represents me in a virtual world ( hotel). Though Internet and with the help of the website, I was able to create an avatar with a name of 'aqualaurat48' which represent me in a 3d second life. I could also create what I want to wear, my room and also I can choose a costume for Halloween.Virtual World enable and encourage creativity on the part of this members, where I can make friends or invite some friends in my room. The Digital technology allows me as well to create an animal to have in my room . You can live a New Life though the Internet world.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtals worlds? What would be if you can see yourself in a virtual world?
Nowadays , people can belongs to an online community through different websites such as and others. This online programs allow "real people" to create themselves a new life with a new identity and personality by imagining and modeling  "avatars."
The virtals worlds are usuing from diverses purposes such as in economy , medical, tourism puposes. In fact , after reading the article "AvatarII:The Hospital", virtual worlds are used to make simulations and see the reaction of nurses in case of emergencies. It shows the behavior of people in the real life front of diffferent experiences and challenges. In addition,there is another way to use the virtual worlds such as in the article  " Going to the Virtual Office in Scond Life" mentioned that businesses have been using the virtual worlds for meetings and conferences businesses.This new innovation helps companies to save money, time and allows people to interact quicker in a new environment.
Well , now I will elaborate the pros and cons of the virtual worlds. In a optimistic perspective, virtual worlds have been very beneficial for people to comunicate, imteract and also work with co-workers ( avatars).The virtual worlds helps companies to save time and money at the same time. It is also ore efficient for companies to share information, practising new experiences in a "fake word" before to apply it on the real worls such as emergencies simulations for train nurses...
However the virtuals worlds are easy for poeple to collaborate and see our life in another environement , the virtuals worlds is still controlled by a machine ( a computer). People can be attached to their unreal world and forget about the real life. It can have an effect of not socializing with real people but only with avatars. Also, the Virtual World are still not like the real world and people have to inetract with other people Face -to-face. So the online world cannot replace  the real world.
Concerning the virtual worlds foster creativity permitts people to add , edit and create objects and avatars to make the virtual environment similar to the real life. And I believe that the virtuals worlds will be more used by companies,hospitals, and individuals. More websites will be inovated maybe by using different measures and dimensions to make it more realistic. I think most of the youngers individuals and corporates are excited to be part of a new environment that can make them feel someone else.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Social Networks Sites

Since Social Networking have been very popular , people are at least registered for one of those.
Facebook , Twitter, MySpace and Linkedid are the best using social networks in 2012. Most of the people have an account to at least one of those sites. MySpace i a social network service founded in 2003 in California. He has been very successful for the fisrt 5 years and had a decline in 2008. MySpce is a  database that allow people to share musics and photos , and also to blog of their daily lives. A year after FAcebook have been created by few students from harvard , who developed the concept of chatting, and reconnect with people you lost contact. This social network have been very successful and people become addicted to it. We can see photos, playing games with friends , publish some advertisment about our work, and also we can use skype to talk to our family or close friends from foreign countries.Soon after, Twitter becomes a social network  that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters , known as "tweets". And also give a quick description about what the user 's life and what is doing in a certain moment of time.
I believe that the 4th site that I prefere is Linkedid. This website is a professional site who interact a communication between individuals and companies. It allows companies to post jobs, internship and each individual can connect to teh companie by sending messages, resume, cover letter... This site is very helpful for today economies and is free for the basics requirements. It helps employers and employees to be in a professional relationship.Linkedid is very beneficial as a social networking.

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a Blackboard Discussion ? To an in-class discussion?

Today with the new technology , there are a lot of ways to communicate. The new media gives many choices to the users to get a way to have a discussion. Most of people are communicating though the web as students use the Blackboard or in-class discussion,and Twitter as well.
 Between the Twitter discussion and the two other (blackboard and in class discussion),I prefere the in class and blackboard tools to communicate. Students usually used both of them wih tehir professors, and their classmates.
Concerning the Twitter discussion, I believe that it is hard for people to have a long cnversation, as we know that each tweet is limited to 140 characters.This restricts the student to tallk more and get to his point, sometimes he has to elaborate more than a sentence to ask a question.However, Twitter is a social network that allows students to tweet for other purposes than school assignements. They can chat and discuss on other subjects which is not related to the courses.As for example, students can talk about their activities, their hobbies and their tastes and preferences.
As for Blackboard and in class discussion are more effective and provides intellectual sources. I believe that Blackboard /in-class discussion helps students to become more sociable with their clasmates. The blackboard discussion is related only to a specif subject or assignement;it enforces students to be in a educational environment and pushes students to be more involved in the course and to the updates. In addition, most of teh professors use Blackboard to keep in touch with their classmates. Although in class-discussion  restricted students to talk in a certain time( no flexibility), It allows professors to recognize teh students face and know the more personalized.
Those  ways of discussion have to be used  for the present and futures life.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Benefits of Technologies as Social Networks

Today  with new technologies , people become more and more addicted to new technologies, as social networks. About 10 years ago. social networks have a big impact in people life. It became more popular and people have been using it more and more. There are some advantages such as keeping touch with old friends or being connected to new connections  and disadvantages such as the unlimited privacy about those social networks.One of the popular and successful is Facebook, also, LinkedIn or MySpace.These are the 3 social network that have been very popular.
    First of all, let's talk about how a social network can be used by companies or individuals.Today , social; network becomes a source of data that companies or other can rely on . For example, LinkedIn which is a social professional network which helps corporate to post jobs , hired people or know more details about a particular future employee. It is also useful for individuals to find a job or build a social networking with interesting and helpful connections.We also know that Facebook is not only a social network for people to connect but also a way for companies to advertise ,make some sales transactions or publish new ideas or opinions. As I  read on the article " Real Facebook sop in virtual world breathes life into Mars", the author talks about how people can use" Facebook users to send actual gifts rather than "virtual" ones for the first time." After recipients open the message, they enter a mobile number and an SMS bar-code is sent to them. They can then redeem the gift at participating stores."    This application shows that besides Facebook is a social network , it also being used for transaction and satisfied an individual needs. 

In addition, now I am going to talk about the benefits of these technologies to society. Today, most of the people are a member or Facebook, LinkedIn or any other social network., It is on human nature that people like to gossip , make new friends, socialize and learn more about different personalities. It is stated on few articles , part of my readings where I found that social networks is very powerful in our world today and how  it is benefits for most of the population.After my reading , I seek in the " Great Wall of Facebook : The social network's plan to dominate the Internet-And Keep Google out", that '"Internet users behaved differently on Facebook than anywhere else online: They used their real names, connected with their real friends, linked to their real email addresses, and shared their real thoughts, tastes, and news."As well as politics personalities find out that Facebook is a way to attract and people will read about their speeches and others because at least once a day, an individual will check Facebook, so politician will know that their messages or speeches will get read. As I read on the article listed of "how Obama Tapped into Social Network's power", he . Obama will have not just a political base, but a database, millions of names of supporters who can be engaged almost instantly. And there’s every reason to believe that he will use the network not just to campaign, but to govern. His e-mail message to supporters on Tuesday night included the line, “We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I’ll be in touch soon about what comes next.”These article show how Facebook, or any Social network can be used for any circumstances. 
However , the dark side of the social network is the Privacy aspect. Through Facebook , people can know a lot of details about other , as pictures, interests,  where they are working.. This can borrow people because other become involved of their private life. As we se in the article of Wjo care about Facebook Privacy", shows that students do care about their privacy and " teh majority of young adults users Facebook are managing their privacy settings on the site , at least to some extent". This article shows that people care about their setting because it can influence some critics or others to their private life.