Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a Blackboard Discussion ? To an in-class discussion?

Today with the new technology , there are a lot of ways to communicate. The new media gives many choices to the users to get a way to have a discussion. Most of people are communicating though the web as students use the Blackboard or in-class discussion,and Twitter as well.
 Between the Twitter discussion and the two other (blackboard and in class discussion),I prefere the in class and blackboard tools to communicate. Students usually used both of them wih tehir professors, and their classmates.
Concerning the Twitter discussion, I believe that it is hard for people to have a long cnversation, as we know that each tweet is limited to 140 characters.This restricts the student to tallk more and get to his point, sometimes he has to elaborate more than a sentence to ask a question.However, Twitter is a social network that allows students to tweet for other purposes than school assignements. They can chat and discuss on other subjects which is not related to the courses.As for example, students can talk about their activities, their hobbies and their tastes and preferences.
As for Blackboard and in class discussion are more effective and provides intellectual sources. I believe that Blackboard /in-class discussion helps students to become more sociable with their clasmates. The blackboard discussion is related only to a specif subject or assignement;it enforces students to be in a educational environment and pushes students to be more involved in the course and to the updates. In addition, most of teh professors use Blackboard to keep in touch with their classmates. Although in class-discussion  restricted students to talk in a certain time( no flexibility), It allows professors to recognize teh students face and know the more personalized.
Those  ways of discussion have to be used  for the present and futures life.


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